Audiobook news for Breathe, Annie, Breathe

Here’s some exciting audio book news for my next novel, Breathe, Annie, Breathe, which is coming out on July 1, 2014: Author of Catching Jordan Miranda Kenneally’s BREATHE, ANNIE, BREATHE, about an eighteen-year old who is struggling to deal with her boyfriend’s death, for which she blames herself — but running a marathon in his honor puts her on […]

Great Review from Booklist for RACING SAVANNAH

Thanks to Booklist for the great review! Racing Savannah. Kenneally, Miranda (Author) Dec 2013. 304 p. Sourcebooks/Fire, paperback,  $9.99. (9781402284762). Kenneally (Stealing Parker, 2012) again looks at sports through a female lens, this time tackling male- dominated horse racing, in this fourth Hundred Oaks novel. Savannah, her widowed horse-trainer father, and her father’s pregnant girlfriend […]

Companion Novels: Guest Post from Steph Campbell and Liz Reinhardt

Today I’m excited to welcome Steph Campbell and Liz Reinhardt to my website. They are the authors of LENGTHS, a series of companion novellas… with very sexy covers (yay!) and while I haven’t read them yet, they have some amazing blurbs (the novellas that is, not the sexy covers. Can I give a blurb for […]


Recently, some people have asked me how I manage my time. That’s a hard question to answer, because I don’t hold myself to any strict schedule. I kind of go with the flow and it’s worked so far. (Knock on wood: this mindset will bite me in the ass at some point.) I generally wake […]